英語の本を見ると、Chapter 単位、あるいは Part 単位で、 著者以外の人が発言した、面白い一言が引用されていることが多い。 この引用文、Quotations(引用文)と言う専用の呼び方があるぐらい、 一般的なものらしい。
私が読んだことのある本の中から、 幾つか面白そうなものをピックアップする事にした。 いつか使える日が来るといいなぁ。
発言者 | words |
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感想 | |
Platonic love is love from the neck up. |
プラトニックな愛とは、首より上の愛の事。 | |
Eye up, actually. | |
BILL VAUGHAN (米コラムニスト) |
A real patriot is the fellow who gets a parking ticket and rejoices that the system works. |
真の愛国者とは、駐車違反切符を切られて、 政府がちゃんと機能していることを喜ぶ人 | |
A function test only test one function, not entire. | |
Whenever science makes a discovery, the devil grabs it while the angels are debating the best way to use it. |
科学的な発見があると、 天使は最善の使い道を話し合い、 悪魔がその隙にそれを掻っ攫っていく | |
That's nature of democracy. | |
JOHN A. LINCOLN | The Devil is a gentleman who never goes where he is not welcome. |
悪魔は紳士である。 彼が招かれざる所に現われたことは無い。 | |
Is there anywhere on earth where devil is not welcome? | |
EDGAR W HOWE (ジャーナリスト) |
There never was a devil who didn't advise people to keep out of hell. |
「地獄へ来るな」 と忠告しない悪魔はいない |
But since people are so religious,
they do what seems good for The GOD: "Hell's entrance is wider, ladies and gentlemen"?! |
John Barrymore (俳優:トーキー最初の実験映画『ドン・ファン』主演) |
America is the country where you buy a lifetime supply of aspirin for one dollar, and use it up in two weeks. |
アメリカというのは一生分のアスピリンを1ドルで買える。 ただし、2週間でそれを使い切ってしまうが。 | |
So, you will know how long you can servive from amount of aspirin left. | |
Elbert Hubbard | This will never be a civilized country until we spend more money for books than we do for chewing gum. |
まずチューインガムに費やす金額より 本に費やす金額の方が多くならないと、 この国が文明国になるのは無理だ。 | |
We need revolution. The book we can chew. | |
Bill Vaughan | America is a land where a citizen will cross the ocean to fight for democracy -- and won't cross the street to vote in a national election. |
アメリカとは、民主主義のためならば海を渡って戦闘することも辞さないのに、 国政選挙のために通りを渡る事さえ嫌がる国。 | |
Well, you have to be careful about car when you cross the street, for the ocean, you don't have to look for car. | |
Pierre de la Chaussee | When everyone is in the wrong, everyone is in the right. |
みんな間違っているなら、誰もその事をわからない | |
We call it SPECIFICATION. | |
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German Proverb ドイツの諺 |
An old error is always more popular than a new truth. |
古くからの誤信は、新しい真実より、いつも人受けが良い。 | |
"The code is fragile. It can't handle error correctly." "We want thing that way!!!!" |
H.G.Bohn | Wise men learn by other men's mistakes, fools by their own. |
賢者は他人の過ちより学ぶ。バカは自分の過ちから学ぶ。 | |
Also, fools forget what they learn, faster. | |
Thomas J. Watson IBM CEO |
We hear of a silent generation, more concerned with security than integrity, with conforming than performing, with imitating than creating. |
ろくな意見を持たぬ世代の話を聞く。 高潔であるよりも保身を、 追求するよりも追従を、 そして創造するより模倣で済ます輩のことだ。 | |
IBM privailed Linux. Too bad Watson, your empire have corrupted. | |
Niccolo Machiavelli | It is much more secure to be feared than to be loved. |
愛されるより、恐れられるほうが、はるかに安全である。 | |
Fred Allen | Committee : a group of men who individually can do nothing, but as a group, decide that nothing can be done. |
委員会: 一人では何も出来ない人々の集まり。 集まって、誰も何もしてはならぬ、と決定する。 | |
That's "most of the time". Sometimes, they make decision that people have to do what doing nothing is better. | |
Stewart Harrol | Committee : A group of the unfit, appointed by the unwilling, to do the unneccessary. |
委員会: 適任ではない者の集団で、 やりたくない人によって任命され、 やらなきゃいいようなことをする存在。 | |
Usually, they are not approved from the rest of the world, too. | |
Henry W. Beecher | Never forget what a man says to you, when he's angry. |
人が怒ったときに、あなたに言った言葉を忘れてはならない。 | |
And that's what we call history. | |
Wilfred LAURIER (カナダ首相) |
The Englishman respects your opinions, but he never thinks of your feelings. |
イギリス人は他人の意見を尊重するが、気持ちを考えることは無い。 | |
Since I'm gentlemen, I won't contradict to this opinion :p. | |
George SANTAYANA | England is the paradise of individuality, eccentricity, heresy, anomalies, hobbies, and humors. |
イギリスとは、 個性と、奇癖と、異端と、異常と、道楽と、ユーモアにとっての楽園。 | |
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Edgar W. HOWE | When I say "everybody says so," I mean I say so. |
私の言う「みんなが言っている」とは『私が』言っているという事。 | |
And when I say "I say so", it means everybody will say so. | |
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Robert PEEL | Public opinion is a compound of folly, weakness, prejudice, wrong feeling, right feeling, obstinacy, and newspaper paragraphs. |
世論とは 愚考と、弱さ、偏見と誤解、正解、頑迷、 そして新聞の受け売りの混合物である。 | |
That's what democracy is made of. ... uh, except right feeling, i mean. |
James BRYCE | Medicine, the only profession that labours incessantly to destroy the reason for its existence. |
医者: 自らの存在理由を打ち壊すために働き続ける唯一の職業。 | |
..Right. AI researcher is not profession. | |
Groucho MARX | She got her good looks from her father--- he's a plastic surgeon. |
彼女は、そのきれいな顔を父親からもらったんだ… オヤジさんが整形外科医なもんでね。 |
Marvin KITMAN | The pen is mightier than the sword! The case for prescriptions rather than surgery. |
ペンは剣より強し! 手術よりは処方箋の方がよかったってことさ。 | |
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L. Grant GLICKMAN | Behind every great man is a woman with nothing to wear. |
偉大な男の影に、無衣の女あり。 | |
Women, you mean. | |
Donn PIATT | That man is great who can use the brains of others to carry out his work. |
その男のすごい所は、自分の仕事を解決するのに他人の頭を使えるって点だ。 | |
Oh how lucky! My brain is too fast to distribute any jobs. | |
Laurence J. PETER | Heredity is what set the parents of a teenager wondering about each other. |
遺伝とは、ティーンエイジャーの両親が互いに対して疑惑を抱かせるもの。 | |
And what teenager sets despair about his/her future. | |
Abraham LINCOLN | I don't know who my grandfather was; I am much more concerned to know what his grandson will be. |
私は祖父がどんな人物だったか知らない。 その孫がどんな人物になるかの方がよほど興味がある。 | |
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Vine DELORIA Jr. | When asked by an anthropologist what the Indians called America before the white man came, an Indian said simply, "Ours." |
人類学者に、白人が来る前は 「あめりか」の事を何と呼んでいたのか?
と聞かれたインディアンは、こう答えた: 「オレラんとこ」 |
And when anthoropologist asked white man what did they call America before it was named "America", he replied; "Mine." | |
Sioux Proverb | Before I judge my neighbor, let me walk a mile in his moccasins. |
隣の奴を評価する前に、そいつのモカシンを履いて1マイル歩かせてくれ。 | |
"Sure, I have spair." that neighbor replied. | |
発言者 | words |
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Mark TWAIN | A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes. |
真実が靴を履く間に、嘘が世界を半周する。 | |
Bad code travel between Mars, while good code opens it's bracket. | |
Winston CHURCHILL | There are a terrible lot of lies going about the world, and the worst of it is that half of them are true. |
世に嘘の種は尽きないが、最悪なのはその半分が実は真実だ、という事だ。 | |
How to find out lies: If you wish it wasn't true, it's true. | |
Douglas MALLOCH | The biggest liar in the world is They Say. |
この世で一番のうそつきの名前は『They Say』。 | |
The next, "It Works." | |
Quintilian | A liar needs a good memory. |
記憶力が良くないと、嘘つきになれない | |
Linux need a lots of good memory. | |
Olin MILLER | A man who won't lie to a woman has very little consideration for her feeling. |
女に嘘をつかない男は、思いやりが無い奴だ。 | |
Richard M. NIXON | I have nothing to hide. The White House has nothing to hide. |
私に秘密なんか無い。ホワイトハウスに隠し事など一切無い。 | |
We have secret, that we have nothing we could make it secret. (Researcher) | |
William H. RANKIN | Someday I would like to stand on the moon,
look down through a quarter of a million miles of space and say, "There certainly is a beautiful earth out tonight." |
いつの日か月に立って、25万マイル彼方を見ながら 『あぁ、今夜の地球は実に美しい』 と言ってみたいもんだ。 |
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Neil A. ARMSTRONG | That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. |
一人の人間にとっては小さな一歩だが、人類にとっては大きな一歩である。 | |
We usually make giant step for man, no leap for mankind. | |
W. I. E. GATES | What if Columbus had been told, "Chris, baby, don't go now. Wait until we've solved our No.1 Priorities ... war and famine; poverty and crime; pollution and disease; illiteracy and racial hatred ... and Queen Isabella's own brand of 'internal security.'" |
『なぁクリス、今はやめておけ。 まずは最優先課題があるだろう? 戦争に気が、貧困に犯罪、環境汚染と病気、 文盲に人種差別…あぁ、あとイザベラ女王お得意の「国内治安」。 これらを全部解決してからにするべきだよ。』 コロンブスがこんな風に言われてたら、今頃どうだったと思う? | |
Peace. What else? | |
James M. Whistler | I can't tell you if genius is hereditary, because heaven has granted me no offspring. |
天才が遺伝性のものか、私にはわからん。 神は私に子供を授けてくださらなかったからな。 | |
So you didn't make good enough look at your parent?! | |
John BARRYMORE | One of my chief regrets during my years in the theater is that I couldn't sit on the audience and watch me. |
私の舞台人生最大の無念は、客席から私の芝居を見ることが出来なかったことさ。 | |
That's why you could stay at work long enough. | |
Oscar WILDE | To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance. |
自分に惚れること。終生のロマンスの始まりである。 | |
Also, your final romance. | |
Francois De La ROCHEFOUCAULD | We often forgive those who bore us; we cannot forgive those whom we bore. |
我々は、うんざりさせられるような奴は許せるが、 我々にうんざりする奴は許せない。 | |
we hate waste of ... our ... time. | |
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William J. BRYAN | Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved. |
運命は偶然の問題ではない、選択の問題だ。 それは待つべきものではない、勝ち得るものだ。 | |
If we choose right thing, we won't call it Destiny. If we choose wrong thing, that's Destiny. | |
Thomas FULLER | He that is born to be hanged shall never be drowned. |
縛り首になる運命の男は、溺死することは無い。 | |
OS which freeze, will not panic. | |
Will ROGERS | We can't all be heroes, because someone has to sit on the curb and clap as they go by. |
皆が英雄になれるわけではない。 縁石に座って拍手を送る係りだって必要なんだ。 | |
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Beilby PORTEUS | One murder makes a villain, millions a hero. |
一人を殺すと悪者だが、五万と殺せば英雄だ。 | |
Did you know that killing millions is far harder than killing one? | |
Ralph RICHARDSON | The art of acting consists in keeping people from coughing. |
演技の秘訣とは、観客に咳をさせない事だ。 | |
Keep theatre clean. Five cents please. | |
Rhetta HUGHES | There are two kinds of directors in the theatre. Those who think they are God and those who are certain of it. |
この世には2種類の舞台演出家がいる。 自分を神だと思っている奴と、自分が神だと確信している奴だ。 | |
Too bad. There are only one kind of programmer, those who generates code as bad as God. The problem is, God does not seems to notify the fact. | |
Francoise SAGAN | I like men to behave like men --- strong and childish. |
男には男らしく振舞って欲しいわね…強くて餓鬼っぽいのがいいわ。 | |
... | |
William HAZLITT | Walk groundly, talk profoundly, drink roundly, sleep soundly. |
しっかり歩み、じっくり語り、たっぷり飲んで、ぐっすり眠れ | |
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William A WARD | The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. |
普通の教師は語る。 良い教師は説明する。 優れた教師はやってみせる。 そして偉大の教師は思いつかせるのだ。 | |
Therefore, you'll never know who is great teacher. | |
James H. BOREN | Most educators would continue to lecture on navigation while the ship is going down. |
ほとんどの教師は、沈みゆく船の上でも航海術の講釈を垂れ続ける。 | |
Most of programmers add feature while code is going down. | |
発言者 | words |
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Bernard SHAW | Those who can, do; those who can't, teach. |
できる人間は行動する。できない人間は教える。 | |
Those who can't write good code, do; those who can, won't. | |
David REUBEN | In secxual intercourse it's quality not quantity that counts. |
セックスにおいて重要なのは、量ではなく質である。 | |
Tell that to teenager. | |
"Bill of Rights" in the United States Consititution | Congress shall make no law respecting an estabilishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. |
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Ammm... Where is the right not making speach to public? Do I have to face the fact that U.S. law, except for the one declared when you are captured as criminal, will never allow you to dismiss the speach? | |
Anonymous | The brain starts working the moment you are born and never stops until you stand up and speak in public. |
脳というものは、あなたが生まれた瞬間から動き出し、 決して停止することはないのだ… 公衆の面前で公演をする羽目に陥るまでは…。 | |
The day you make speech, is the day you die. Unfortunately, since world does not have heaven nor God, you have to keep on re-born again, and die again. |
Be buddist. He show you the way to get away from reincurnation. | |
Agatha Christie | An archeologist is the best husband any woman can have; the older she gets, the more interested he is in her. |
考古学者は女性にとって最高の夫です。 なにしろ年をとるほど興味をもってくれるんですから。 | |
He might not be interested in you, for you are too young. | |
Irving BERLIN | Listen, kid, take my advice, never hate a song that had sold a half-million copies! |
いいか、こんガキャ、これだけは覚えておけ。 50万枚売れた曲はバカにしちゃいけねぇよ。 | |
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Franklin P. JONES | Men seldom make passes at a girl who surpasses. |
男は、上手を行く女にはめったに手を出さないもんだ。 | |
Unless girl is surpasses enough. | |
Marilyn MONROE | I don't mind living in a man's world as long as I can be a woman in it. |
男が支配している世界だろうと気にしないわ。あたしが女でいられさえするならね。 | |
Women rules the man's world. Women rules the women's world... |